Simple Frappuccino Recipe

If you have decided to get your Frappuccino recipe and make your own Frappuccino coffee at very little cost, yet have it tasting as good as that from Starbucks, then you have made the right choice. Here, we will bring you different recipes for just that and the good news is that you will never feel the pinch in your wallet. However, note that the recipes here are not necessarily the ones used by the company that originated the Frappuccino coffee. However, it should come close to the real deal and in any case, if you could be a little experimental, then chances are that you can give your Frappuccino recipe a unique taste, just the way that you like it. With the current economic crunch, you can be sure that you are not the only one looking for a way to save money. Everyone else is on the search for the best and simplest Frappuccino recipe.

If you have ever had this frozen drink, then you know that you must have it as soon as you feel the urge for it. Few things make life worth living and this is one of them. Therefore, you should not skimp on a good Frappuccino recipe that will give you good quality and value for your time and money. One of the main advantages of making your frozen drink at home is that you can make it as strong as you want. You can also make it any time that you want. You do not have to stick to any one recipe by necessity because there are many. You can give it a tweak here and there and you can even concoct a very healthy drink where you do not have to worry about the calories. One of the ways to do this is to use a Frappuccino recipe that advises you to skip the cream or to replace it with skimmed milk. You can also skip the milk and ccream altogether and be assured of lesser calories in your drink.

To show you how easy it is to follow a Frappuccino recipe, you can sample the one outlined below:

You will need:
½ cup strong brewed coffee
Milk of your choice; this could be soy, nonfat or any other milk
Enough instant pudding
A tall blending variety cup

Pour in the ice, fill in your pudding in the tall cup, then add the coffee and top it all up with milk.

Start blending the mixture and continue until you no longer hear the crushing noises. If you think that your frozen drink is too thick, you can always add in some more milk.

If you want, you can now top up your drink with cream, insert the straw and go ahead and enjoy yourself.

This is just a very simple Frappuccino recipe but there will be many more if you would like to make a different Frappuccino every time you desire one. Of course, you can try different ingredients for different flavors, different amounts of sugar depending on how sweet you would like your drink to be.

This article was all about frappuccino recipe. Hope you enjoyed it and if you want to read more check out:

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